Code block address: D008 Length: 14 M:1 X:0 called by: CFF5 00D008 2C99110109 bbs #0x01, 0x1199, 0xd016 ; Call target from CF19, Call target from CF46, Call target from CF86, Call target from CFDB, Call target from CFF5 00D00D ACB810 ldy 0x10b8 00D010 1C521202 clb #0x02, 0x1252 00D014 807E bra 0xd094 Code block address: D016 Length: 10 M:1 X:0 called by: D008 00D016 3C99110405 bbc #0x04, 0x1199, 0xd020 ; Branch target from D008 00D01B ACB810 ldy 0x10b8 00D01E 8035 bra 0xd055 Code block address: D020 Length: 10 M:1 X:0 called by: D016 00D020 3CAF140105 bbc #0x01, 0x14af, 0xd02a ; Branch target from D016 00D025 ACA414 ldy 0x14a4 00D028 802B bra 0xd055 Code block address: D02A Length: 10 M:1 X:0 called by: D020 00D02A ADF211 lda al, 0x11f2 ; Branch target from D020 00D02D F005 beq 0xd034 00D02F AC5610 ldy 0x1056 00D032 8021 bra 0xd055 Code block address: D034 Length: 10 M:1 X:0 called by: D02D 00D034 2C1C100805 bbs #0x08, 0x101c, 0xd03e ; Branch target from D02D 00D039 AC5211 ldy 0x1152 00D03C 8017 bra 0xd055 Code block address: D03E Length: 34 M:1 X:0 called by: D034 00D03E D8 clm ; m:0 x:0, Branch target from D034 00D03F AD6F87 lda ax, 0x876f 00D042 2900FF and ax, #0xff00 00D045 890D5211 mpy 0x1152 00D049 0A asl ax 00D04A 422A rol bx 00D04C 9004 bcc 0xd052 00D04E 42A9FFFF lda bx, #0xffff 00D052 42A8 tby ; Branch target from D04C 00D054 F8 sem ; m:1 x:0 00D055 AD8611 lda al, 0x1186 ; Branch target from D01E, Branch target from D028, Branch target from D032, Branch target from D03C 00D058 0A asl al 00D059 2C5A110302 bbs #0x03, 0x115a, 0xd060 00D05E 8001 bra 0xd061 Code block address: D060 Length: 21 M:1 X:0 called by: D059 00D060 3A inc al ; Branch target from D059 00D061 D8 clm ; m:0 x:0, Branch target from D05E 00D062 29FF00 and ax, #0x00ff 00D065 F8 sem ; m:1 x:0 00D066 AA tax 00D067 BFC9D300 ldal al, 0x00d3c9 + ix 00D06B C90B cmp al, #0x0b 00D06D 9006 bcc 0xd075 00D06F 1C521202 clb #0x02, 0x1252 00D073 800C bra 0xd081 Code block address: D075 Length: 18 M:1 X:0 called by: D06D 00D075 CD0912 cmp al, 0x1209 ; Branch target from D06D 00D078 F00D beq 0xd087 00D07A B005 bcs 0xd081 00D07C 3C5212020F bbc #0x02, 0x1252, 0xd090 00D081 A2FFFF ldx #0xffff ; Branch target from D073, Branch target from D07A, Branch target from D087 00D084 8642 stx dp + 0x42 ; Write to Timer A1 reload register 00D086 60 rts Code block address: D087 Length: 31 M:1 X:0 called by: D078 00D087 2C521202F5 bbs #0x02, 0x1252, 0xd081 ; Branch target from D078 00D08C 1C991104 clb #0x04, 0x1199 00D090 0C521202 seb #0x02, 0x1252 ; Branch target from D07C 00D094 146201 clb #0x01, dp + 0x62 ; Branch target from D014, Write to Timer A enable and protect 00D097 A20200 ldx #0x0002 00D09A 8640 stx dp + 0x40 ; Write to Timer A1 counter 00D09C 8442 sty dp + 0x42 ; Write to Timer A1 reload register 00D09E A902 lda al, #0x02 00D0A0 8568 sta al, dp + 0x68 ; Write to Timer A1 PISO register 00D0A2 046201 seb #0x01, dp + 0x62 ; Write to Timer A enable and protect 00D0A5 60 rts