Code block address: F653 Length: 19 M:1 X:0 called by: DD4F 00F653 AD7110 lda al, 0x1071 ; Call target from DD4F ; Speed 00F656 3C3C13100B bbc #0x10, 0x133c, 0xf666 00F65B CD948F cmp al, 0x8f94 00F65E B00F bcs 0xf66f 00F660 1C3C1310 clb #0x10, 0x133c 00F664 8009 bra 0xf66f Code block address: F666 Length: 25 M:1 X:0 called by: F656 00F666 CD958F cmp al, 0x8f95 ; Branch target from F656 00F669 9004 bcc 0xf66f 00F66B 0C3C1310 seb #0x10, 0x133c 00F66F 3C3C13200B bbc #0x20, 0x133c, 0xf67f ; Branch target from F65E, Branch target from F664, Branch target from F669 00F674 CD968F cmp al, 0x8f96 00F677 B00F bcs 0xf688 00F679 1C3C1320 clb #0x20, 0x133c 00F67D 8009 bra 0xf688 Code block address: F67F Length: 25 M:1 X:0 called by: F66F 00F67F CD978F cmp al, 0x8f97 ; Branch target from F66F 00F682 9004 bcc 0xf688 00F684 0C3C1320 seb #0x20, 0x133c 00F688 2C2310040B bbs #0x04, 0x1023, 0xf698 ; Branch target from F677, Branch target from F67D, Branch target from F682 00F68D CD0480 cmp al, 0x8004 00F690 900F bcc 0xf6a1 00F692 0C231004 seb #0x04, 0x1023 00F696 8009 bra 0xf6a1 Code block address: F698 Length: 21 M:1 X:0 called by: F688 00F698 CD0580 cmp al, 0x8005 ; Branch target from F688 00F69B B004 bcs 0xf6a1 00F69D 1C231004 clb #0x04, 0x1023 00F6A1 29FF and al, #0xff ; Branch target from F690, Branch target from F696, Branch target from F69B 00F6A3 F008 beq 0xf6ad 00F6A5 CD2780 cmp al, 0x8027 00F6A8 B003 bcs 0xf6ad 00F6AA 4C22F8 jmp 0xf822 Code block address: F6AD Length: 8 M:1 X:0 called by: F6A3 00F6AD 2C5A108003 bbs #0x80, 0x105a, 0xf6b5 ; Branch target from F6A3, Branch target from F6A8 ; NoThrottle 00F6B2 4C13F8 jmp 0xf813 Code block address: F6B5 Length: 26 M:1 X:0 called by: F6AD 00F6B5 A900 lda al, #0x00 ; Branch target from F6AD 00F6B7 3C5B102013 bbc #0x20, 0x105b, 0xf6cf ; Torque-Signal 00F6BC 3C3C13100E bbc #0x10, 0x133c, 0xf6cf 00F6C1 0C3C1340 seb #0x40, 0x133c 00F6C5 3A inc al 00F6C6 3A inc al 00F6C7 3C3C13200D bbc #0x20, 0x133c, 0xf6d9 00F6CC 3A inc al 00F6CD 800A bra 0xf6d9 Code block address: F6CF Length: 78 M:1 X:0 called by: F6B7 00F6CF 1C3C1340 clb #0x40, 0x133c ; Branch target from F6B7, Branch target from F6BC 00F6D3 3C23100401 bbc #0x04, 0x1023, 0xf6d9 00F6D8 3A inc al 00F6D9 EB01 psh a ; Branch target from F6C7, Branch target from F6CD, Branch target from F6D3 00F6DB 0A asl al 00F6DC 0A asl al 00F6DD 0A asl al 00F6DE 0A asl al 00F6DF 2C23100239 bbs #0x02, 0x1023, 0xf71d 00F6E4 3C2310016A bbc #0x01, 0x1023, 0xf753 00F6E9 D8 clm ; m:0 x:0 00F6EA 29FF00 and ax, #0x00ff 00F6ED 18 clc 00F6EE 69C08C adc ax, #0x8cc0 00F6F1 AA tax 00F6F2 F8 sem ; m:1 x:0 00F6F3 AD8910 lda al, 0x1089 ; Coolant_Temp_Proportion 00F6F6 200090 jsr 0x9000-2d-graph-lookup.txt 00F6F9 FB02 pul b 00F6FB 3C5A100214 bbc #0x02, 0x105a, 0xf714 ; AirCon 00F700 D8 clm ; m:0 x:0 00F701 4229FF00 and bx, #0x00ff 00F705 18 clc 00F706 4269E086 adc bx, #0x86e0 00F70A 42AA tbx 00F70C F8 sem ; m:1 x:0 00F70D 18 clc 00F70E 7500 adc al, dp + 0x00 + ix 00F710 9002 bcc 0xf714 00F712 A9FF lda al, #0xff 00F714 CD6F10 cmp al, 0x106f ; Branch target from F6FB, Branch target from F710 ; RPM_div25 00F717 F06C beq 0xf785 00F719 906A bcc 0xf785 00F71B 806C bra 0xf789 Code block address: F71D Length: 54 M:1 X:0 called by: F6DF 00F71D D8 clm ; m:0 x:0, Branch target from F6DF 00F71E 29FF00 and ax, #0x00ff 00F721 18 clc 00F722 69408D adc ax, #0x8d40 00F725 AA tax 00F726 F8 sem ; m:1 x:0 00F727 AD8910 lda al, 0x1089 ; Coolant_Temp_Proportion 00F72A 200090 jsr 0x9000-2d-graph-lookup.txt 00F72D FB02 pul b 00F72F 3C5A100214 bbc #0x02, 0x105a, 0xf748 ; AirCon 00F734 D8 clm ; m:0 x:0 00F735 4229FF00 and bx, #0x00ff 00F739 18 clc 00F73A 4269E886 adc bx, #0x86e8 00F73E 42AA tbx 00F740 F8 sem ; m:1 x:0 00F741 18 clc 00F742 7500 adc al, dp + 0x00 + ix 00F744 9002 bcc 0xf748 00F746 A9FF lda al, #0xff 00F748 CD6F10 cmp al, 0x106f ; Branch target from F72F, Branch target from F744 ; RPM_div25 00F74B 903C bcc 0xf789 00F74D 1C231002 clb #0x02, 0x1023 00F751 8036 bra 0xf789 Code block address: F753 Length: 66 M:1 X:0 called by: F6E4 00F753 D8 clm ; m:0 x:0, Branch target from F6E4 00F754 29FF00 and ax, #0x00ff 00F757 18 clc 00F758 69008D adc ax, #0x8d00 00F75B AA tax 00F75C F8 sem ; m:1 x:0 00F75D AD8910 lda al, 0x1089 ; Coolant_Temp_Proportion 00F760 200090 jsr 0x9000-2d-graph-lookup.txt 00F763 FB02 pul b 00F765 3C5A100214 bbc #0x02, 0x105a, 0xf77e ; AirCon 00F76A D8 clm ; m:0 x:0 00F76B 4229FF00 and bx, #0x00ff 00F76F 18 clc 00F770 4269E486 adc bx, #0x86e4 00F774 42AA tbx 00F776 F8 sem ; m:1 x:0 00F777 18 clc 00F778 7500 adc al, dp + 0x00 + ix 00F77A 9002 bcc 0xf77e 00F77C A9FF lda al, #0xff 00F77E CD6F10 cmp al, 0x106f ; Branch target from F765, Branch target from F77A ; RPM_div25 00F781 F002 beq 0xf785 00F783 B004 bcs 0xf789 00F785 0C231002 seb #0x02, 0x1023 ; Branch target from F717, Branch target from F719, Branch target from F781 00F789 1C231001 clb #0x01, 0x1023 ; Branch target from F71B, Branch target from F74B, Branch target from F751, Branch target from F783 00F78D 2C23100203 bbs #0x02, 0x1023, 0xf795 00F792 4C2AF8 jmp 0xf82a Code block address: F795 Length: 82 M:1 X:0 called by: F78D 00F795 9C401300 ldm #0x00, 0x1340 ; Branch target from F78D 00F799 1C231040 clb #0x40, 0x1023 00F79D 2C5A10012F bbs #0x01, 0x105a, 0xf7d1 ; N-switch 00F7A2 AD7110 lda al, 0x1071 ; Speed 00F7A5 CDF786 cmp al, 0x86f7 00F7A8 9027 bcc 0xf7d1 00F7AA AD6F10 lda al, 0x106f ; RPM_div25 00F7AD A20300 ldx #0x0003 00F7B0 CDF286 cmp al, 0x86f2 00F7B3 B00D bcs 0xf7c2 00F7B5 CA dex 00F7B6 CDF186 cmp al, 0x86f1 00F7B9 B007 bcs 0xf7c2 00F7BB CA dex 00F7BC CDF086 cmp al, 0x86f0 00F7BF B001 bcs 0xf7c2 00F7C1 CA dex 00F7C2 D8 clm ; m:0 x:0, Branch target from F7B3, Branch target from F7B9, Branch target from F7BF 00F7C3 8A txa 00F7C4 18 clc 00F7C5 69F386 adc ax, #0x86f3 00F7C8 AA tax 00F7C9 F8 sem ; m:1 x:0 00F7CA ADD110 lda al, 0x10d1 00F7CD D500 cmp al, dp + 0x00 + ix 00F7CF 9016 bcc 0xf7e7 00F7D1 9CD110FF ldm #0xff, 0x10d1 ; Branch target from F79D, Branch target from F7A8 00F7D5 0C231010 seb #0x10, 0x1023 00F7D9 ADDD11 lda al, 0x11dd 00F7DC CDF886 cmp al, 0x86f8 00F7DF 902C bcc 0xf80d 00F7E1 0C231008 seb #0x08, 0x1023 00F7E5 8049 bra 0xf830 Code block address: F7E7 Length: 44 M:1 X:0 called by: F82E 00F7E7 9CDD1100 ldm #0x00, 0x11dd ; Branch target from F7CF, Branch target from F82E 00F7EB 3C23104019 bbc #0x40, 0x1023, 0xf809 00F7F0 AD7110 lda al, 0x1071 ; Speed 00F7F3 CDFD86 cmp al, 0x86fd 00F7F6 900D bcc 0xf805 00F7F8 AD4013 lda al, 0x1340 00F7FB CDFC86 cmp al, 0x86fc 00F7FE 9030 bcc 0xf830 00F800 CDFB86 cmp al, 0x86fb 00F803 9008 bcc 0xf80d 00F805 1C231040 clb #0x40, 0x1023 ; Branch target from F7F6 00F809 1C231010 clb #0x10, 0x1023 ; Branch target from F7EB 00F80D 1C231008 clb #0x08, 0x1023 ; Branch target from F7DF, Branch target from F803 00F811 801D bra 0xf830 Code block address: F813 Length: 15 M:1 X:0 called by: F6B2 00F813 0C231001 seb #0x01, 0x1023 ; Branch target from F6B2 00F817 3C2310080A bbc #0x08, 0x1023, 0xf826 00F81C 0C231040 seb #0x40, 0x1023 00F820 8004 bra 0xf826 Code block address: F822 Length: 14 M:1 X:0 called by: F6AA 00F822 1C231001 clb #0x01, 0x1023 ; Branch target from F6AA 00F826 1C231002 clb #0x02, 0x1023 ; Branch target from F817, Branch target from F820 00F82A 9CD11000 ldm #0x00, 0x10d1 ; Branch target from F792 00F82E 80B7 bra 0xf7e7 Code block address: F830 Length: 31 M:1 X:0 called by: F7FE 00F830 AD6E10 lda al, 0x106e ; Branch target from F7E5, Branch target from F7FE, Branch target from F811 ; RPM_div50 00F833 A2C586 ldx #0x86c5 ; Rev limit 1 lower bound 00F836 2C5A10011E bbs #0x01, 0x105a, 0xf859 ; N-switch 00F83B 2C5B100819 bbs #0x08, 0x105b, 0xf859 ; P-switch 00F840 3C1910100A bbc #0x10, 0x1019, 0xf84f ; Branch target from F85B ; Rev Limit 00F845 D500 cmp al, dp + 0x00 + ix 00F847 B014 bcs 0xf85d 00F849 1C191010 clb #0x10, 0x1019 ; Rev Limit 00F84D 800E bra 0xf85d Code block address: F84F Length: 10 M:1 X:0 called by: F840 00F84F D501 cmp al, dp + 0x01 + ix ; Branch target from F840 00F851 900A bcc 0xf85d 00F853 0C191010 seb #0x10, 0x1019 ; Rev Limit 00F857 8004 bra 0xf85d Code block address: F859 Length: 4 M:1 X:0 called by: F836 00F859 E8 inx ; Branch target from F836, Branch target from F83B 00F85A E8 inx 00F85B 80E3 bra 0xf840 Code block address: F85D Length: 1 M:1 X:0 called by: F847 00F85D 60 rts ; Branch target from F847, Branch target from F84D, Branch target from F851, Branch target from F857