Code block address: FDEF Length: 50 M:1 X:0 called by: DBE5 00FDEF 2CCF11401A bbs #0x40, 0x11cf, 0xfe0e ; Call target from DBE5 00FDF4 0CCF1140 seb #0x40, 0x11cf 00FDF8 643133 ldm #0x33, dp + 0x31 ; Write to Baud rate generator 00FDFB 643005 ldm #0x05, dp + 0x30 ; Write to UART tx/rx mode register 00FDFE A900 lda al, #0x00 00FE00 8D3612 sta al, 0x1236 00FE03 8D3712 sta al, 0x1237 00FE06 1A dec al 00FE07 8D4F11 sta al, 0x114f 00FE0A 1CCF1101 clb #0x01, 0x11cf 00FE0E A24F11 ldx #0x114f ; Branch target from FDEF 00FE11 20DF99 jsr 0x99df-increment-value-at-x.txt 00FE14 1C191004 clb #0x04, 0x1019 00FE18 24350805 bbs #0x08, dp + 0x35, 0xfe21 ; Read from Control register high byte 00FE1C A536 lda al, dp + 0x36 ; Read from Receive buffer 00FE1E 4CFFFE jmp 0xfeff Code block address: FE21 Length: 18 M:1 X:0 called by: FE18 00FE21 42A536 lda bl, dp + 0x36 ; Branch target from FE18, Read from Receive buffer 00FE24 AD4F11 lda al, 0x114f 00FE27 C906 cmp al, #0x06 00FE29 9008 bcc 0xfe33 00FE2B A900 lda al, #0x00 00FE2D 1C191080 clb #0x80, 0x1019 00FE31 800E bra 0xfe41 Code block address: FE33 Length: 14 M:1 X:0 called by: FE29 00FE33 AD3612 lda al, 0x1236 ; Branch target from FE29 00FE36 3A inc al 00FE37 D001 bne 0xfe3a 00FE39 1A dec al 00FE3A C907 cmp al, #0x07 ; Branch target from FE37 00FE3C 9003 bcc 0xfe41 00FE3E 4CFFFE jmp 0xfeff Code block address: FE41 Length: 49 M:1 X:0 called by: FE31 00FE41 8D3612 sta al, 0x1236 ; Branch target from FE31, Branch target from FE3C 00FE44 9C4F1100 ldm #0x00, 0x114f 00FE48 48 pha 00FE49 D8 clm ; m:0 x:0 00FE4A 29FF00 and ax, #0x00ff 00FE4D 18 clc 00FE4E 692012 adc ax, #0x1220 00FE51 AA tax 00FE52 F8 sem ; m:1 x:0 00FE53 3C19100404 bbc #0x04, 0x1019, 0xfe5c 00FE58 0C191080 seb #0x80, 0x1019 00FE5C 429500 sta bl, dp + 0x00 + ix ; Branch target from FE53 00FE5F 68 pla 00FE60 D010 bne 0xfe72 00FE62 42C912 cmp bl, #0x12 00FE65 D008 bne 0xfe6f 00FE67 1C191022 clb #0x22, 0x1019 00FE6B 1CCF1101 clb #0x01, 0x11cf 00FE6F 4CFFFE jmp 0xfeff ; Branch target from FE65, Branch target from FE74, Branch target from FE76 Code block address: FE72 Length: 50 M:1 X:0 called by: FE60 00FE72 C906 cmp al, #0x06 ; Branch target from FE60 00FE74 D0F9 bne 0xfe6f 00FE76 2C191080F4 bbs #0x80, 0x1019, 0xfe6f 00FE7B A900 lda al, #0x00 00FE7D D8 clm ; m:0 x:0 00FE7E 29FF00 and ax, #0x00ff 00FE81 AA tax 00FE82 F8 sem ; m:1 x:0 00FE83 BD2012 lda al, 0x1220 + ix 00FE86 C97F cmp al, #0x7f 00FE88 D01A bne 0xfea4 00FE8A 0CCF1101 seb #0x01, 0x11cf 00FE8E 2045FF jsr 0xff45-convert-ascii-to-binary.txt 00FE91 8D2B12 sta al, 0x122b 00FE94 2045FF jsr 0xff45-convert-ascii-to-binary.txt 00FE97 8D2A12 sta al, 0x122a 00FE9A AE2A12 ldx 0x122a 00FE9D B500 lda al, dp + 0x00 + ix 00FE9F 8D2C12 sta al, 0x122c 00FEA2 8022 bra 0xfec6 Code block address: FEA4 Length: 155 M:1 X:0 called by: FE88 00FEA4 3CCF11011D bbc #0x01, 0x11cf, 0xfec6 ; Branch target from FE88 00FEA9 C920 cmp al, #0x20 00FEAB D019 bne 0xfec6 00FEAD 2045FF jsr 0xff45-convert-ascii-to-binary.txt 00FEB0 8D2B12 sta al, 0x122b 00FEB3 2045FF jsr 0xff45-convert-ascii-to-binary.txt 00FEB6 8D2A12 sta al, 0x122a 00FEB9 2045FF jsr 0xff45-convert-ascii-to-binary.txt 00FEBC AE2A12 ldx 0x122a 00FEBF 9500 sta al, dp + 0x00 + ix 00FEC1 B500 lda al, dp + 0x00 + ix 00FEC3 8D2C12 sta al, 0x122c 00FEC6 3CCF110134 bbc #0x01, 0x11cf, 0xfeff ; Branch target from FEA2, Branch target from FEA4, Branch target from FEAB 00FECB 2C1910022F bbs #0x02, 0x1019, 0xfeff 00FED0 A20000 ldx #0x0000 00FED3 207CFF jsr 0xff7c-convert-binary-to-ascii.txt 00FED6 8D3012 sta al, 0x1230 00FED9 428D3112 sta bl, 0x1231 00FEDD 207CFF jsr 0xff7c-convert-binary-to-ascii.txt 00FEE0 8D2E12 sta al, 0x122e 00FEE3 428D2F12 sta bl, 0x122f 00FEE7 207CFF jsr 0xff7c-convert-binary-to-ascii.txt 00FEEA 8D3212 sta al, 0x1232 00FEED 428D3312 sta bl, 0x1233 00FEF1 A20D0A ldx #0x0a0d 00FEF4 8E3412 stx 0x1234 00FEF7 0C191002 seb #0x02, 0x1019 00FEFB 9C371200 ldm #0x00, 0x1237 00FEFF AD1F12 lda al, 0x121f ; Branch target from FE1E, Branch target from FE3E, Branch target from FE6F, Branch target from FEC6, Branch target from FECB 00FF02 F006 beq 0xff0a 00FF04 1A dec al 00FF05 8D1F12 sta al, 0x121f 00FF08 D03A bne 0xff44 00FF0A 3CCF110135 bbc #0x01, 0x11cf, 0xff44 ; Branch target from FF02 00FF0F 3C19100230 bbc #0x02, 0x1019, 0xff44 00FF14 3435022C bbc #0x02, dp + 0x35, 0xff44 ; Read from Control register high byte 00FF18 AD3712 lda al, 0x1237 00FF1B 48 pha 00FF1C D8 clm ; m:0 x:0 00FF1D 29FF00 and ax, #0x00ff 00FF20 18 clc 00FF21 692E12 adc ax, #0x122e 00FF24 AA tax 00FF25 F8 sem ; m:1 x:0 00FF26 B500 lda al, dp + 0x00 + ix 00FF28 8532 sta al, dp + 0x32 ; Write to Transmit buffer 00FF2A 68 pla 00FF2B 3A inc al 00FF2C 8D3712 sta al, 0x1237 00FF2F C908 cmp al, #0x08 00FF31 D00C bne 0xff3f 00FF33 9C371200 ldm #0x00, 0x1237 00FF37 A900 lda al, #0x00 00FF39 1C191002 clb #0x02, 0x1019 00FF3D 8002 bra 0xff41 Code block address: FF3F Length: 6 M:1 X:0 called by: FF31 00FF3F A900 lda al, #0x00 ; Branch target from FF31 00FF41 8D1F12 sta al, 0x121f ; Branch target from FF3D 00FF44 60 rts ; Branch target from FF08, Branch target from FF0A, Branch target from FF0F, Branch target from FF14