Code block address: C005 Length: 42 M:1 X:0 called by: 973A 00C005 2C51100425 bbs #0x04, 0x1051, 0xc02f ; Call target from 973A 00C00A 2C5A100120 bbs #0x01, 0x105a, 0xc02f ; N-switch 00C00F AD7110 lda al, 0x1071 ; Speed 00C012 C996 cmp al, #0x96 00C014 9019 bcc 0xc02f 00C016 A25112 ldx #0x1251 00C019 20DF99 jsr 0x99DF-Increment-Value-At-X 00C01C C914 cmp al, #0x14 00C01E 9013 bcc 0xc033 00C020 2CAF140114 bbs #0x01, 0x14af, 0xc039 00C025 0CAF1401 seb #0x01, 0x14af 00C029 20BBC0 jsr 0xc0bb-Memory-Test 00C02C 4CE694 jmp 0x94e6 Code block address: C02F Length: 10 M:1 X:0 called by: C005 00C02F 9C511200 ldm #0x00, 0x1251 ; Branch target from C005, Branch target from C00A, Branch target from C014 00C033 2CAF140101 bbs #0x01, 0x14af, 0xc039 ; Branch target from C01E 00C038 60 rts Code block address: C039 Length: 21 M:1 X:0 called by: C020 00C039 0C501201 seb #0x01, 0x1250 ; Branch target from C020, Branch target from C033 00C03D 2CAF14020C bbs #0x02, 0x14af, 0xc04e 00C042 0CAF1402 seb #0x02, 0x14af 00C046 207AC0 jsr 0xc07a-EPROM-Checksum 00C049 9CCF1201 ldm #0x01, 0x12cf ; SelectMonitorCommsMode 00C04D 60 rts Code block address: C04E Length: 44 M:1 X:0 called by: C03D 00C04E D8 clm ; m:0 x:0, Branch target from C03D 00C04F AD9F14 lda ax, 0x149f 00C052 2900FF and ax, #0xff00 00C055 4A lsr ax 00C056 4A lsr ax 00C057 4A lsr ax 00C058 4A lsr ax 00C059 8DA414 sta ax, 0x14a4 00C05C ADA014 lda ax, 0x14a0 00C05F 2900FF and ax, #0xff00 00C062 4A lsr ax 00C063 4A lsr ax 00C064 4A lsr ax 00C065 4A lsr ax 00C066 8DA614 sta ax, 0x14a6 00C069 ADA114 lda ax, 0x14a1 00C06C 2900FF and ax, #0xff00 00C06F 4A lsr ax 00C070 4A lsr ax 00C071 4A lsr ax 00C072 4A lsr ax 00C073 4A lsr ax 00C074 4A lsr ax 00C075 8DA814 sta ax, 0x14a8 00C078 F8 sem ; m:1 x:0 00C079 60 rts