Code block address: D0DC Length: 15 M:1 X:0 called by: CDBB 00D0DC 2C9911010A bbs #0x01, 0x1199, 0xd0eb ; Call target from CCDF, Call target from CD0C, Call target from CD40, Call target from CD60, Call target from CD95, Call target from CDBB 00D0E1 ACBA10 ldy 0x10ba 00D0E4 1C531208 clb #0x08, 0x1253 00D0E8 4C6AD1 jmp 0xd16a Code block address: D0EB Length: 10 M:1 X:0 called by: D0DC 00D0EB 3C99118005 bbc #0x80, 0x1199, 0xd0f5 ; Branch target from D0DC 00D0F0 ACBA10 ldy 0x10ba 00D0F3 8037 bra 0xd12c Code block address: D0F5 Length: 10 M:1 X:0 called by: D0EB 00D0F5 3CAF140105 bbc #0x01, 0x14af, 0xd0ff ; Branch target from D0EB 00D0FA ACA414 ldy 0x14a4 00D0FD 802D bra 0xd12c Code block address: D0FF Length: 12 M:1 X:0 called by: D0F5 00D0FF ADF211 lda al, 0x11f2 ; Branch target from D0F5 00D102 C903 cmp al, #0x03 00D104 D005 bne 0xd10b 00D106 AC5610 ldy 0x1056 00D109 8021 bra 0xd12c Code block address: D10B Length: 10 M:1 X:0 called by: D104 00D10B 2C1C100805 bbs #0x08, 0x101c, 0xd115 ; Branch target from D104 00D110 AC5411 ldy 0x1154 00D113 8017 bra 0xd12c Code block address: D115 Length: 34 M:1 X:0 called by: D10B 00D115 D8 clm ; m:0 x:0, Branch target from D10B 00D116 AD7487 lda ax, 0x8774 00D119 2900FF and ax, #0xff00 00D11C 890D5411 mpy 0x1154 00D120 0A asl ax 00D121 422A rol bx 00D123 9004 bcc 0xd129 00D125 42A9FFFF lda bx, #0xffff 00D129 42A8 tby ; Branch target from D123 00D12B F8 sem ; m:1 x:0 00D12C AD8611 lda al, 0x1186 ; Branch target from D0F3, Branch target from D0FD, Branch target from D109, Branch target from D113 ; Current Cylinder 00D12F 0A asl al 00D130 2C5A110302 bbs #0x03, 0x115a, 0xd137 00D135 8001 bra 0xd138 Code block address: D137 Length: 20 M:1 X:0 called by: D130 00D137 3A inc al ; Branch target from D130 00D138 D8 clm ; m:0 x:0, Branch target from D135 00D139 29FF00 and ax, #0x00ff 00D13C F8 sem ; m:1 x:0 00D13D AA tax 00D13E BD86D1 lda al, 0xd186 + ix 00D141 C90B cmp al, #0x0b 00D143 9006 bcc 0xd14b 00D145 1C531208 clb #0x08, 0x1253 00D149 800C bra 0xd157 Code block address: D14B Length: 18 M:1 X:0 called by: D143 00D14B CD0912 cmp al, 0x1209 ; Branch target from D143 00D14E F00D beq 0xd15d 00D150 B005 bcs 0xd157 00D152 3C5312080F bbc #0x08, 0x1253, 0xd166 00D157 AEFFFF ldx 0xffff ; Branch target from D149, Branch target from D150, Branch target from D15D 00D15A 865A stx dp + 0x5a ; Write to Timer A6 reload register 00D15C 60 rts Code block address: D15D Length: 31 M:1 X:0 called by: D14E 00D15D 2C531208F5 bbs #0x08, 0x1253, 0xd157 ; Branch target from D14E 00D162 1C991180 clb #0x80, 0x1199 00D166 0C531208 seb #0x08, 0x1253 ; Branch target from D152 00D16A 146220 clb #0x20, dp + 0x62 ; Branch target from D0E8, Write to Timer A enable and protect 00D16D A20200 ldx #0x0002 00D170 8658 stx dp + 0x58 ; Write to Timer A6 counter 00D172 845A sty dp + 0x5a ; Write to Timer A6 reload register 00D174 A902 lda al, #0x02 00D176 856D sta al, dp + 0x6d ; Write to Timer A6 PISO register 00D178 046220 seb #0x20, dp + 0x62 ; Write to Timer A enable and protect 00D17B 60 rts