Code block address: DFBA Length: 110 M:1 X:0 called by: E135 00DFBA AE3610 ldx 0x1036 ; Call target from E135 ; TPS_Voltage 00DFBD 8ED211 stx 0x11d2 00DFC0 342008FC bbc #0x08, dp + 0x20, 0xdfc0 ; Read from A/D control register, Branch target from DFC0 00DFC4 A622 ldx dp + 0x22 ; Read from A/D successive approximation register 00DFC6 642004 ldm #0x04, dp + 0x20 ; Write to A/D control register 00DFC9 8622 stx dp + 0x22 ; Write to A/D successive approximation register 00DFCB D8 clm ; m:0 x:0 00DFCC 8A txa 00DFCD 38 sec 00DFCE EDD411 sbc ax, 0x11d4 00DFD1 B004 bcs 0xdfd7 00DFD3 49FFFF eor ax, #0xffff 00DFD6 3A inc ax 00DFD7 8D0410 sta ax, 0x1004 ; Branch target from DFD1 00DFDA 34200800FB bbc #0x0008, dp + 0x20, 0xdfda ; Read from A/D control register, Branch target from DFDA 00DFDF A422 ldy dp + 0x22 ; Read from A/D successive approximation register 00DFE1 98 tya 00DFE2 38 sec 00DFE3 EDD411 sbc ax, 0x11d4 00DFE6 B004 bcs 0xdfec 00DFE8 49FFFF eor ax, #0xffff 00DFEB 3A inc ax 00DFEC CD0410 cmp ax, 0x1004 ; Branch target from DFE6 00DFEF B001 bcs 0xdff2 00DFF1 BB tyx 00DFF2 8ED411 stx 0x11d4 ; Branch target from DFEF 00DFF5 8A txa 00DFF6 4A lsr ax 00DFF7 4A lsr ax 00DFF8 F8 sem ; m:1 x:0 00DFF9 8D8C12 sta al, 0x128c ; SM_TPS 00DFFC D8 clm ; m:0 x:0 00DFFD 8A txa 00DFFE 8D3610 sta ax, 0x1036 ; TPS_Voltage 00E001 F8 sem ; m:1 x:0 00E002 A24E10 ldx #0x104e 00E005 2C2610101E bbs #0x10, 0x1026, 0xe028 ; Errorflags 1 ; TPS Error 00E00A D8 clm ; m:0 x:0 00E00B 38 sec 00E00C EDC812 sbc ax, 0x12c8 00E00F B003 bcs 0xe014 00E011 A90000 lda ax, #0x0000 00E014 89090058 mpy #0x5800 ; Branch target from E00F 00E018 8928 xab 00E01A 8D0410 sta ax, 0x1004 00E01D F8 sem ; m:1 x:0 00E01E 42AD0510 lda bl, 0x1005 00E022 F00D beq 0xe031 00E024 A9FF lda al, #0xff 00E026 8009 bra 0xe031 Code block address: E028 Length: 9 M:1 X:0 called by: E005 00E028 AD238B lda al, 0x8b23 ; Branch target from E005 00E02B 0C251001 seb #0x01, 0x1025 00E02F 800D bra 0xe03e Code block address: E031 Length: 23 M:1 X:0 called by: E022 00E031 2C1E102012 bbs #0x20, 0x101e, 0xe048 ; Branch target from E022, Branch target from E026 ; TPS Table Populated 00E036 0C1E1020 seb #0x20, 0x101e ; TPS Table Populated 00E03A 1C251001 clb #0x01, 0x1025 ; Branch target from E048 00E03E 9500 sta al, dp + 0x00 + ix ; Branch target from E02F, Branch target from E044 00E040 CA dex 00E041 E04410 cpx #0x1044 00E044 D0F8 bne 0xe03e 00E046 8040 bra 0xe088 Code block address: E048 Length: 74 M:1 X:0 called by: E031 00E048 2C251001ED bbs #0x01, 0x1025, 0xe03a ; Branch target from E031 00E04D 42AD2F10 lda bl, 0x102f ; Batt_Voltage 00E051 42C98A cmp bl, #0x8a 00E054 9021 bcc 0xe077 00E056 ACB410 ldy 0x10b4 00E059 C00A00 cpy #0x000a 00E05C 9019 bcc 0xe077 00E05E 8D0410 sta al, 0x1004 00E061 42AD0410 lda bl, 0x1004 00E065 38 sec 00E066 42ED4410 sbc bl, 0x1044 00E06A B005 bcs 0xe071 00E06C 4249FF eor bl, #0xff 00E06F 423A inc bl 00E071 42CD1E84 cmp bl, 0x841e ; Branch target from E06A 00E075 B01B bcs 0xe092 00E077 CA dex ; Branch target from E054, Branch target from E05C, Branch target from E092 00E078 42B500 lda bl, dp + 0x00 + ix ; Branch target from E082 00E07B 429501 sta bl, dp + 0x01 + ix 00E07E CA dex 00E07F E04310 cpx #0x1043 00E082 D0F4 bne 0xe078 00E084 1CCC1140 clb #0x40, 0x11cc 00E088 8D4410 sta al, 0x1044 ; Branch target from E046 00E08B 8D8512 sta al, 0x1285 00E08E 8D1840 sta al, 0x4018 00E091 60 rts Code block address: E092 Length: 16 M:1 X:0 called by: E075 00E092 2CCC1140E0 bbs #0x40, 0x11cc, 0xe077 ; Branch target from E075 00E097 0CCC1140 seb #0x40, 0x11cc 00E09B AED211 ldx 0x11d2 00E09E 8E3610 stx 0x1036 ; TPS_Voltage 00E0A1 60 rts